Helping Hands Ministry Youth Mission Camp
For more info:
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When: Sunday July 10 – Friday, July 15, 2016
Where: Providence Baptist / Susanna Wesley Churches
Ages: Grades 7 – 12
GPBC Fundraisers:
June 5, 2016: Spaghetti Dinner following the morning Service

July 30, 2016: Car Wash at Gloucester Chic-fil-A 10AM – 3pM

Mission Statement: Helping Hands Mission Camp is a Christ centered, youth focused, multi- denominational community service mission to help the citizens of Gloucester County, Virginia who need home repairs.
History: Helping Hands Mission Camp was formed in 2005 by 3 friends (Terry Stacey, Randy Stacey and David Loase) from 2 churches (Susanna Wesley UMC and Gloucester Church of the Nazarene) in the aftermath of Hurricane Isabel. Our desire was and continues to be to help citizens of Gloucester County, Virginia, who need home repairs.
We welcome all Christian denominations and we are dedicated to serving as part of the body of Christ. We serve Christ and Christ alone by minimizing denominational differences and celebrating our common belief … that Jesus Christ is our risen Lord and Savior.
Our philosophy is unapologetically Christian and we seek to show the world how awesome youth are by showing those we help a measure of the grace God has bestowed on us.
A Day at Camp
- Wake up to eat a hearty home-cooked breakfast. Share morning devotions and prayer
- Gather tools, supplies, lunches, water, bug spray, sun screen, everything needed for a day on the work site
- Break for lunch, share devotions and cool off
- Back to work after a refreshing break
- Straighten the worksite, return to church
- Take showers – the most anticipated part of the day
- Eat a hearty home-cooked dinner
- Gather to worship: warm ups, sing, enjoy inspiring messages from our speakers
- Go out and play! (bowling, swimming, Water Country, etc.)
- Lights out, restful sleep
- Start again the next day